Our partners include research organizations, NGOs, gene banks, farmer cooperatives and private sector actors who are critical to the success of our work. Below you can find information about our current and past partners and links to their webpages. On desktop you can navigate using the map, but you can also view the list, which is shown in mobile or with a small browser window.
Funding Org.
NGO/Research Org
Government Org.
Private Sector
PROINPA is a private non-profit organization whose mission is to promote innovation in farming families, local emerging entrepreneurs, and agricultural enterprises by developing agro-technology for crop management, sustainable management of agro-biodiversity, development of inclusive agribusiness and impact-oriented services, production and marketing of Andean products. The actions of PROINPA have positive effects on food security, poverty reduction, job creation, income generation and efficiency of target groups by working towards alliances, environmental capacity building, transparency, adaptation to climate change, efficiency, and environmental sustainability.
LinkIFAD is a specialized agency of the United Nations established as an international financial institution in 1977 to finance agricultural development projects primarily for food production in the developing countries. IFAD's unique mandate is improving rural food security and nutrition, and enabling rural women and men to overcome poverty.
LinkLI-BIRD is a non-profit making, non-governmental organization that is committed to capitalizing on local initiatives for sustainable management of renewable natural resources in order to improve the livelihoods of rural poor and marginalized farmers, especially women. LI-BIRD is a pioneer organization in strengthening participatory methodologies for research and development in agriculture, biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource management. LI-BIRD has played an instrumental role in institutionalizing these approaches in the national systems of Nepal. Through partnerships in development-oriented research, LI-BIRD has contributed to several innovative methodologies and approaches for participatory research and development and generated impacts that have enhanced the livelihoods of rural poor and marginalized farmers through appropriate technological, social and policy changes.
LinkMSSRF aims to accelerate use of modern science for agricultural and rural development for development and dissemination of technology to improve lives and livelihoods of tribal and rural communities. MSSRF follows a pro-poor, pro-women and pro-nature approach and applies appropriate science and technology options to address practical problems faced by rural populations in agriculture, food and nutrition. These efforts have been undertaken in a participatory manner and in partnership with other knowledge-based institutions, public and private sector organisations and local communities. From a small beginning, across the years, MSSRF has made its impact felt in various dimensions making a difference to the lives of over 600,000 individuals, impacting livelihood of 100,000 farmers and fisherfolk every day with influence that spreads across 18 countries.
LinkDurante nuestro crecimiento y diversificación, el café ha sido el corazón de Alexander Coffee. Para encontrar el mejor café posible, llegamos a su origen. Ahora trabajamos con 350 familias productoras de Caranavi y Madidi, desarrollando cada vez mayores estándares de calidad, y premiándoles pagando hasta tres veces más el precio del mercado. El resultado es un café complejo con perfecto balance de aroma, consistencia y penetrante sabor.
LinkGene Campaign is a research and advocacy organisation dedicated to food and livelihood security of rural and adivasi communities, rights of farmers and local communities, rights of farmers and local communities. It works with communities in villages as well as at policy making levels to ensure rights of farmers and local communities over their biodiversity and indigenous knowledge. Our field work is focused in Jharkhand, Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
LinkThe Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) was established in 1991 as an autonomous organization under the Nepal Agricultural Research Council Act (1991) to conduct agricultural research in the country to uplift the economic level of the people. Their objectives are 1) to conduct qualitative studies and researches on different aspects of agriculture, 2) to identify the existing problems in agriculture and find out the solution, and 3) to assist government in formulation of agricultural policies and strategies
LinkCetha Tupac Katari de corpa es una Institucion Educativa para la formacion de Personas Jovenes y Adultos, en humanistico y tecnico.
LinkDesde su creación, el INIAP ha venido desarrollando una importante labor en el ámbito de la investigación científica, lo que ha permitido generar, validar y transferir conocimientos y tecnologías que han contribuido, inobjetablemente, al incremento de la producción y productividad de los principales rubros agropecuarios del país; a través de la entrega de 217 variedades e híbridos en 33 cultivos diferentes. Misión: Investigar, desarrollar tecnologías, generar procesos de innovación y transferencia tecnológica en el sector agropecuario, agroindustrial y de forestación comercial, para contribuir al desarrollo sostenible del Ecuador.
LinkASA is a non profit development organization that has emerged as a prime and lead organisation in the sector of farm based livelihood for poor and natural resource management. ASA currently works in over 1100 villages in 27 districts of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Jharkhand, directly reaching out to about 1,30,000 families or nearly 8,00,000 population. There are more than 220 professional staff in the organisation alongwith more than 350 para-professional staff. Its mission is to ensure livelihoods of poor people through providing developmental services, in particular through natural resources development.
LinkThe Commission's main roles are to:propose legislation which is then adopted by the co-legislators, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers enforce European law (where necessary with the help of the Court of Justice of the EU) set a objectives and priorities for action, outlined yearly in the Commission Work Programme and work towards delivering them manage and implement EU policies and the budget represent the Union outside Europe (negotiating trade agreementsbetween the EU and other countries, for example.). The European Commission has its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, and some services also in Luxembourg. The Commission has Representations in all EU Member States and 139 Delegations across the globe.
LinkThe CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is addressing the increasing challenge of global warming and declining food security on agricultural practices, policies and measures through a strategic collaboration between CGIAR and Future Earth. CCAFS brings together the world's best researchers in agricultural science, climate science, environmental and social sciences to identify and address the most important interactions, synergies and trade-offs between climate change and agriculture. CCAFS aims to define and implement a uniquely innovative and transformative research program that addresses agriculture in the context of climate variability, climate change and uncertainty about future climate conditions.
LinkIFS provides opportunities for young scientists to propose research into biological and water resources in low income countries. Their mission is to contribute towards strengthening the capacity of developing countries to conduct relevant and high quality research on the sustainable management of biological and water resources.
LinkThe International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) is a not-for-profit, international center of excellence for research and development in marginal environments. The Center originally focused on the problems of salinity and using saline water for irrigated agriculture. Over the last 13 years, ICBA has evolved into a world-class modern research facility with a team of international scientists conducting applied research to improve the well-being of poor farmers in marginal environments.
LinkOxfam is a world-wide development organisation that mobilizes the power of people against poverty. Around the globe, they work to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. Oxfam Novib is one of 17 affiliates of the Oxfam confederation, who together work with local partners in 94 countries. Oxfam Novib has the lead role in Oxfam’s work in Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, Egypt, Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya), Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, the Occupied Palestinian Territories/Israel, Somalia, Uganda and Vietnam.
LinkNABIC Nepal is an interactive forum that brings together different organizations involved in agrobiodiversity conservation and research in Nepal with the goal to share knowledge and experiences in order to promote on farm in situ conservation and utilization of agricultural biodiversity.
LinkAn intergovernmental organization, FAO has 194 Member Nations, two associate members and one member organization, the European Union. FAOs mandate is to support members in their efforts to ensure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food. They help by supporting policies and political commitments that promote food security and good nutrition and by making sure that up-to-date information about hunger and malnutrition challenges and solutions is available and accessible.
LinkThe mission of the UN University is to contribute, through collaborative research and education, to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations, its Peoples and Member States. In carrying out this mission, the UN University works with leading universities and research institutes in UN Member States, functioning as a bridge between the international academic community and the United Nations system. Through postgraduate teaching activities, UNU contributes to capacity building, particularly in developing countries.
LinkThe University of Zimbabwe is the oldest, leading and finest University in Zimbabwe which is involved in teaching and research and offers degrees, diplomas and certificates in various disciplines which include arts, agriculture, law, medicine, social studies, science, engineering, education, commerce and veterinary sciences. The rigorous academic standards and high quality research output demanded by the University of Zimbabwe on its academic staff has raised both its academic and training profile to make its graduate a highly sought after in industry, commerce, Government departments and other organisations. All University of Zimbabwe programmes are accredited by the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education and other professional bodies in medicine, law, engineering, accountancy, social work and veterinary science.
LinkEn el marco del Decreto Supremo 29611, el INIAF “es la autoridad competente y rectora del Sistema Nacional de Innovación Agropecuaria y Forestal (SNIAF), que tiene los roles de generar tecnologías, establecer lineamientos y gestionar las políticas públicas de innovación agropecuaria y forestal, con la finalidad de contribuir a la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria, en el marco del diálogo de saberes, la participación social, y la gestión de los recursos genéticos de la agro biodiversidad como patrimonio del Estado”.
LinkCARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. We place special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty. CARE started working in Bolivia in 1976 with the construction of rural water systems. Over the years, in order to respond to the emerging needs of the poor population, we expanded our program areas to include health care, education, infrastructure and agriculture development actions.
LinkAnamolbiu (literally ‘precious seed’) is a private seed company that produces quality seeds of more than 25 different vegetables, cereals, pulses and potato in different parts of Nepal in partnership with farmers’ groups under strict monitoring and technical supervision. Anamolbiu invests in innovations and has firm commitment to promoting ethical business practices with equitable distribution of benefits along the value chain, right from small-holder producers to retailers. Anamolbiu is promoted by professionals with considerable experience and expertise in agricultural Research and Development in Nepal. The promoters of the company also include various Community Based Seed Producer groups, Agro-vets and Community Based Organizations from across the country.
LinkSamaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ.
LinkThe German government is actively engaged, in close cooperation with the international community, in combating poverty, securing food, establishing peace, freedom, democracy and human rights, shaping globalisation in a socially equitable manner, and preserving the environment and natural resources. Development cooperation is one of the most important instruments for achieving these goals. The German government regards it as an imperative of humanity and of reason. Development cooperation guarantees a future for people in developing countries – and thus for everyone else, too.
LinkThe Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) is a joint international institution of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and the European Union (EU). Our mission is to advance food and nutritional security, increase prosperity and encourage sound natural resource management in ACP countries.
LinkLa misión de CIRNMA se concentra en el desarrollo de la región del Altiplano a través del diseño y formulación de alternativas tecnológicas agrícolas, ganaderas y agroindustriales. Mejorar el uso de los recursos disponibles e incrementar la producción y productividad combinando opciones de manejo y conservación de recursos naturales y canalizar fondos crediticios de manera ágil, oportuna y de bajo costo para productores y transformadores de cultivos andinos. El equipo técnico que conforma CIRNMA trabaja en el Altiplano Perú- Boliviano desde 1986 y tiene amplia experiencia en la zona andina de Sud-América; usa como marco de trabajo el enfoque/análisis de sistemas, como una de las herramientas más adecuadas para entender la complejidad de las relaciones que se dan en los diferentes niveles jerárquicos de los sistemas rurales (cultivo-ganado/familia/organización rural/microregión/región), vistos a través de zonas agroecológicas y agroecosistemas
LinkThe Desert Research Center is almost the oldest scientific research center in Egypt. It conducts research to explore the natural resources in the Egyptian deserts to be utilized at sustainable manner in Agriculture and improving livelihood of local communities' .The broad mandate is encompassing fields of research such as water resources, soil management, plant production, animal husbandry, ecology, and socioeconomic studies. Monitoring and assessing desertification causes. Field of operations is also broad-based, stretching from the Sinai to the New Valley to the fringes of the High Dam Lake.
LinkThe International Society for Horticultural Science - in short ISHS – has over 7,500 Individual Members from all over the world, a substantial number of Institutional Members and some 50 Member States/Countries. It is a major source of up-to-date information on global horticultural research. ISHS aims to promote research in all branches of horticulture. It encourages the development of international co-operation, bringing together scientific and technical professionals to stimulate, facilitate and co-ordinate research and scientific activities on a global scale.
LinkThe services delivered by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH draw on a wealth of regional and technical expertise and tried and tested management know-how. As a federal enterprise, they support the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. They are also engaged in international education work around the globe.
LinkThe Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), established in 2004, is a consortium of 42 universities in 19 countries of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (ECSA). The organisation evolved from the Forum on Agricultural Resource Husbandry (FORUM) program of the Rockefeller Foundation. RUFORUM is registered as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and has mandate to oversee graduate training and networks of specialization in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). RUFORUM has an MoU with the African Union for strengthening science, technology and innovation capacity in Africa.
LinkCrops for the Future enables the wider use of underutilised crops to diversify agricultural systems, improve well-being and manage natural resources. The organization was established in 2009 following the merger of the International Centre for Underutilised Crops (ICUC) in Sri Lanka and the Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilised Species (GFU) in Italy. Crops For the Future Research Centre (CFFRC) was established in 2011 to provide research support for the global Crops For the Future organisation as a company limited by guarantee and without share capital. Its guarantors are the Government of Malaysia and the University of Nottingham in Malaysia. In 2014, Crops For the Future and CFFRC combined their resources to form a single global entity - Crops For the Future (CFF). CFF now combines its research and development functions on underutilised crops (CFF Research) with FutureCrop, an educational resource for underutilised crops and agricultural biodiversity. Both CFF Research and FutureCrop will increasingly offer consultancy services to interested parties.
LinkThe CSIR is the foremost science and technology organization in Ghana. The mandate of the CSIR in broad terms is to pursue the implementation of government policies on scientific research and development. CSIR research programmes cover a wide range of activities in the following areas: Industry, Agriculture, Agro-processing, Fisheries, Forestry, Water Resources, Human Settlement Infrastructure, Environment, Health, Natural and Social Sciences.
LinkCGIAR Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets
LinkThe overall goal of the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research is to enhance the sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity for meeting human needs by improving knowledge of all its different aspects.
LinkThe African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education (ANAFE) is a network of 132 educational institutions in 37 African countries whose objective is to strengthen the teaching of multi-disciplinary approaches to land management. The ANAFE Secretariat is hosted at the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) headquarters in Nairobi. This provides a vantage for network management, linkages with the research and development activities of ICRAF and its partners, and convenient communication facilities.
LinkThe ACP Science and Technology Programme (ACP S&T) is an ACP-EU co-operation programme in the field of science and technology. It is funded by the European Union and implemented by the ACP Secretariat. The programme originates from the need for joint and systematic ACP-EU approaches in support of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI). It responds to the conclusions of the 2002 Cape Town ACP Ministerial Forum on Research for Sustainable Development and the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development. Such conclusions have recently been reaffirmed in the 2012 ACP-EU Council of Ministers Joint Declaration on Rio+20.
LinkThe University of Nairobi is a research intensive university with a reputation for excellence and a strong and vibrant research culture. Our research work is recognised for its impact and relevance to the region. The University of Nairobi is dedicated to creating and strengthening partnerships with industry and other significant institutions and/or organizations to maximize research outcomes. We are especially proud of the contributions the University is making through our research and learning centers and institutes and their involvement with industry partners.
LinkThe ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly was created out of a common desire to bring together the elected representatives of the European Community - the Members of the European Parliament - and the elected representatives of the African, Caribbean and Pacific states ("ACP countries") that have signed the Cotonou Agreement: it is the only institution of its kind in the world. It is the only international assembly in which the representatives of various countries sit together regularly with the aim of promoting the interdependence of North and South
LinkL’Institut d’Economie Rurale (IER) est la principale institution de recherche au Mali pour la mise en œuvre de la politique nationale de recherche agricole. L’IER représente plus de 70% des potentialités en matière de recherche agricole. Depuis 1990, l’IER a entrepris un processus de restructuration qui lui a permis d’améliorer ses performances scientifiques et techniques tout en tout en rapprochant des utilisateurs finaux des résultats de la recherche. La décentralisation de l’IER a permis de couvrir l’ensemble des zones agro-écologiques du Mali en matière de structures de recherche.
LinkLa Fundación de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala es una organización no lucrativa y con personería jurídica que patrocina a la Universidad. La Universidad esta constituida por el Colegio Universitario,la Facultad de Ingeniería, la Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, la Facultad de Educación y el Instituto de Investigaciones. Cada una de estas unidades comprende departamentos, secciones y programas.