
The project is implemented through a partnership between Bioversity International  [1] (grant manager), the International Foundation for Science (IFS; Sweden  [2]), the African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education (ANAFE; Kenya  [3]), and three African universities: Africa University  [4] (Zimbabwe), Laboratory of Agricultural Biodiversity and Tropical Plant Breeding (LAAPT; Benin  [5]), and University of Nairobi (Kenya).

Logos of the project partners

Associated organizations

Three additional organizations are key collaborators in carrying out project activities: Excel Hort Consult Ltd  [6] (Uganda),  Global Horticulture Initiative  [7] (GlobalHort; Germany), and West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development  [8] (CORAF/WECARD; Senegal).

Associate organization logos

Funding organizations

The project is supported by the ACP Science & Technology Programme, implemented by the ACP Secretariat   [9]and funded by the European Union, with co-financing from project partners and the CGIAR Research Programmes on Policies Institutions and Markets  [10] (PIM) and Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security  [11] (CCAFS).

Logos of the donors

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