Calendrier saisonnier des fruits et légumes pour une alimentation diversifiée dans la région de Sikasso, Mali (Affiche)

Poster presenting the seasonal availability of fruits and vegetables in Sikasso region of Mali and nutrition messaging (Bamanankan and French)
Seasonal calendar of fruits and vegetables in Sikasso region of Mali presented for nutritionally-distinct groupings (dark green leafy vegetables, other vitamin-A rich fruits and vegetables, other vegetables, other fruits). National nutrition messaging on the importance of fruits and vegetables for diet quality is shared to encourage the use of seasonally available species that may be neglected and underutilized.
The seasonal calendar was developed through participatory focus groups with the communities of Finkoloni, Cercle de Koutiala and Siramana, Cercle de Sikasso. The analysis and poster were prepared by Gaia Lochetti with support of Yara Koreissi, Jessica Raneri, Gennifer Meldrum, Amadou Sidibe, Gina Kennedy, Stefano Padulosi, Nina Lauridsen and the division of Nutrition of the Minister of Health and Public Hygeine.
Poster to be printed in A0 format.
Publisher: Bioversity International, Rome, Italy
Publication Years: 2019
Language: Bamanankan and French
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