Experiences and Lessons Learned in the Framework of a Global UN Effort in Support of Neglected and Underutilized Species.

Español: Experiencias y lecciones aprendidas en el marco de un esfuerzo global de las Naciones Unidas en Apoyo de las especies olvidadas y subutilizadas.
From 2001 to 2010, an international effort was made through the implementation of two global projects aimed at enhancing the sustainable conservation and use of neglected and underutilized species (NUS). These projects represented the first UN-supported endeavors on NUS and tested out novel collaborative framework involving all actors along the value chain of some representative target species (Incl. Andean grains and minor millets).
Authors: S. Padulosi; S. Bala Ravi; W. Rojas; R. Valdivia; M. Jager; V. Polar; E. Gotor; Bhag Mal
Publication Years: 2013
Value Chain Development On-Farm Conservation Quinoa and Canahua Minor millets Latin America South Asia IFAD-NUS I-II Journal Articles All
Publication Years: 2013
Value Chain Development On-Farm Conservation Quinoa and Canahua Minor millets Latin America South Asia IFAD-NUS I-II Journal Articles All