Promoting kodo (Paspalum scrobiculatum), kutki (Panicum sumatrense) and other nutritious underutilized species in Mandla and Dindori districts, Madhya Pradesh

Proceedings of project launch conference and national stakeholder consultations for the IFAD-EU NUS Project
Authors: A. Mondal, S. Roy, S. John, K.N. Metya, R.S. Rajput, S. Padulosi and G. Meldrum
Journal/Series: Agricultural biodiversity to manage the risks and empower the poor: Proceedings of the International Conference 27-29 April 2015, Rome, Italy
Pages: 85-91
Publisher: Bioversity International
Publication Years: 2016
Value Chain Development Climate Change Adaptation On-Farm Conservation Capacity, Awareness & Policy Nutrition Empowerment Minor millets South Asia IFAD-EU NUS Conference and Workshop Proceedings
Journal/Series: Agricultural biodiversity to manage the risks and empower the poor: Proceedings of the International Conference 27-29 April 2015, Rome, Italy
Pages: 85-91
Publisher: Bioversity International
Publication Years: 2016
Value Chain Development Climate Change Adaptation On-Farm Conservation Capacity, Awareness & Policy Nutrition Empowerment Minor millets South Asia IFAD-EU NUS Conference and Workshop Proceedings