Use of Contingent Valuation to Assess Farmer Preference for On-farm Conservation of Minor Millets: Case from South India

Use of Contingent Valuation to Assess Farmer Preference for On-farm Conservation of Minor Millets: Case from South India

Use of Contingent Valuation to Assess Farmer Preference for On-farm Conservation of Minor Millets: Case from South India


This study aims to facilitate the conservation of agro-biodiversity, improve farmer livelihoods and support policy formulation through the development of innovative economic analytical methods and incentive mechanisms.

In the Kolli hills of Tamil Nadu, a genetically diverse pool of minor milletvarieties has long been traditionally grown by the tribal farming communities fortheir own consumption without being formally traded. Despite a traditionalconsumption preference for minor millets by the local population, in recent years thearea devoted to minor millets has declined considerably. They have tended to besubstituted by market-oriented cash crops such as tapioca, coffee, pepper and fruitcrops. In response to this development, the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation(MSSRF), a leading non-governmental organisation based in Chennai, has beenattempting to create an economic stake for farmers in the conservation of these cropsover the last 10 years in the Kolli Hills. These programmes aimed to increase themarket potential of minor millets through value addition by involving the localfarming community (MSSRF, 2002).

Authors: P. T. Raghu; S. Das; S. B. Ravi; E. D. I. O. King
Publication Years: 2012
On-Farm Conservation Minor millets South Asia IFAD-NUS I-II Journal Articles All