Using Markets to Promote the Sustainable Utilization of Crop Genetic Resources

Using Markets to Promote the Sustainable Utilization of Crop Genetic Resources

Using Markets to Promote the Sustainable Utilization of Crop Genetic Resources


A project methodology.

Ultimately, the question of how well local markets provide farmers with access to crop genetic resources is an empirical one. Hence, beginning in 2004, the United Nations Food and Agricultre Organization (FAO) undertook a major research effort to identify and gather the requisite information. This ambitious effort included partnering with the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) centres to design and execute five field studies that would provide insight into local markets and the access to crop genetic resources that they offer farmers. A key part of the research focuses on how the characteristics of local seed markets affect the price, availability and information about crop genetic resources exchanged therein. 

Authors: Anderson, C.L., Lipper, L., Dalton, T.J., Smale, M., Hellin, J., Hodgkin, T., Almekinders, C., Audi, P., Bellon, M.R., Cavatassi, R., Diakité, L., Jones, R., King, O.E.D.I., Keleman, A., Meijer, M., Osborn, T., Nagarajan, L., Paz, A., Rodriguez, M., Sidibé, A., Salazar, L., Heerwarden, J and Winters, P.
Publication Years: 2009
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